Drywall, texture, and paint

After the siding was finished, the gutters and gas meter were installed before painting.  At this point, all exterior painting is complete pending some touch-up work.

On the interior, all drywall work is complete with texture and first coat of paint on.  After next steps (cabinets and flooring), we’ll have another coat of paint to ensure good coverage and to capture any damage from the flooring/cabinet installation.

The driveway is being prepped for pouring and the yard has been prepped for sod and landscaping.  We met with the landscaper POC last week to discuss our plans for the yard.  I suspect we’ll have the driveway poured within a week and landscaping will follow a week after that.  This leaves us with finishing up the interior over the next four weeks — installing flooring, cabinets, counters, light fixtures, and the air conditioner.  We’re still on schedule.  Seeing as we’ll be moving from a small, single bedroom apartment, our next few weekends will be focused on appliance and furniture shopping.

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